I am good with that assuming Burns is. I can read through them this weekend
and see if they need any changes.
On Fri, Oct 6, 2023, 14:58 Bill Reed via pacsat-dev <pacsat-dev(a)amsat.org>
> We discussed this briefly last night.
> Why don't we publish these docs in the proceedings?
> "PACSAT BBS Operations", 10 Nov 2022, by Chris
> and
> "PACSAT Software Architecture", 19 Mar 2023 by Chris and Burns
> Bill
> -----------------------------------------------------------
> pacsat-dev mailing list -- pacsat-dev(a)amsat.org
> View archives of this mailing list at
> https://mailman.amsat.org/hyperkitty/list/[email protected]
> To unsubscribe send an email to pacsat-dev-leave(a)amsat.org
> Manage all of your AMSAT-NA mailing list preferences at
> https://mailman.amsat.org
We discussed this briefly last night.
Why don't we publish these docs in the proceedings?
"PACSAT BBS Operations", 10 Nov 2022, by Chris
"PACSAT Software Architecture", 19 Mar 2023 by Chris and Burns
I was going to try to make this, but I'm in California right now and
won't be able to.
-corey - AE5KM
On Thu, Oct 5, 2023 at 1:45 PM Bill via pacsat-dev <pacsat-dev(a)amsat.org> wrote:
> Pacsat dev mtg 10/5/2023
> Thu, Oct 5, 2023 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM (CDT)
> Please join my meeting from your computer, tablet or smartphone.
> https://meet.goto.com/851719045
> You can also dial in using your phone.
> (For supported devices, tap a one-touch number below to join instantly.)
> United States: +1 (312) 757-3121
> - One-touch: tel:+13127573121,,851719045#
> Access Code: 851-719-045
> Join from a video-conferencing room or system.
> Dial in or type: or inroomlink.goto.com
> Meeting ID: 851 719 045
> Or dial directly: 851719045(a) or
> Get the app now and be ready when your first meeting starts:
> https://meet.goto.com/install
> -----------------------------------------------------------
> pacsat-dev mailing list -- pacsat-dev(a)amsat.org
> View archives of this mailing list at https://mailman.amsat.org/hyperkitty/list/[email protected]
> To unsubscribe send an email to pacsat-dev-leave(a)amsat.org
> Manage all of your AMSAT-NA mailing list preferences at https://mailman.amsat.org
Pacsat dev mtg 10/5/2023
Thu, Oct 5, 2023 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM (CDT)
Please join my meeting from your computer, tablet or smartphone.
You can also dial in using your phone.
(For supported devices, tap a one-touch number below to join instantly.)
United States: +1 (312) 757-3121
- One-touch: tel:+13127573121,,851719045#
Access Code: 851-719-045
Join from a video-conferencing room or system.
Dial in or type: or inroomlink.goto.com
Meeting ID: 851 719 045
Or dial directly: 851719045(a) or
Get the app now and be ready when your first meeting starts:
Yes, at least part of the errors structure is saved on a reset to indicate
what happened. I have not changed any of that.
On Tue, Oct 3, 2023, 14:13 Burns Fisher (AMSAT) via pacsat-dev <
pacsat-dev(a)amsat.org> wrote:
> The STM32L processor knows how to disable the WD when you are at
> breakpoints in the debugger. If the TMS does not do that, it is the only
> reason I can think of that there would be a problem.
> And just a check: Is the s/w still set up so that the errors structure is
> not wiped out by a reset? In other words, that the WD flags will be
> available after the WD triggers and the system reboots? I seem to remember
> that was a fair bit of hassle to make that happen and I don't just remember
> how I did it :-)
> 73,
> Burns Fisher, WB1FJ
> *AMSAT(R) Engineering -- Flight Software*
> On Tue, Oct 3, 2023 at 1:53 PM Chris Thompson via pacsat-dev <
> pacsat-dev(a)amsat.org> wrote:
>> Bug fixed and now the local errors structure is copied into the downlink.
>> I think we should leave the WD enabled and see if it causes any issues.
>> Thoughts on that?
>> 73
>> Chris
>> On Tue, Oct 3, 2023 at 1:37 PM Chris Thompson via pacsat-dev <
>> pacsat-dev(a)amsat.org> wrote:
>>> Thanks for that.
>>> I think it all works then. I can see the bits get set (or not when it
>>> triggers). They wdReports not making it into the downlink though. They
>>> are visible in errors.c So that is likely a bug in the way they are copied
>>> onto the frame.
>>> 73
>>> Chris
>>> On Tue, Oct 3, 2023 at 11:35 AM Burns Fisher (AMSAT) via pacsat-dev <
>>> pacsat-dev(a)amsat.org> wrote:
>>>> Chris, wdReport is the bitmap of tasks that have called the watchdog
>>>> report routine in the last few seconds. When you call
>>>> ForceInternalWatchdogTrigger, you go into an infinite loop. Since the OS
>>>> is set not to do pre-emption, that prevents ALL tasks from running and from
>>>> reporting in. It is possible that you might have called this at such a
>>>> time that a different task is the one that did not report in.
>>>> If you want to try having a single task not report, put a call to
>>>> vTaskYield() inside the infinite loop. That will prevent the current task
>>>> from reporting, but allow all the others. And yes, the console task is not
>>>> monitored, so it will not show a bit missing if you have the infinite loop
>>>> without the yield, and should not trip the WD at all if you use yield.
>>>> 73,
>>>> Burns Fisher, WB1FJ
>>>> *AMSAT(R) Engineering -- Flight Software*
>>>> On Tue, Oct 3, 2023 at 11:24 AM Chris Thompson via pacsat-dev <
>>>> pacsat-dev(a)amsat.org> wrote:
>>>>> Ok, that call works and the watchdog resets the IHU as expected. The
>>>>> console is not in wdReports so I could not see if the data ends up in the
>>>>> Telemetry. So I put the call in the PB routine that handles DIR
>>>>> broadcasts. We get a reset as expected when a DIR is requested. But I
>>>>> can't see the missing bit in wdReports. They are all still set. I need to
>>>>> dig a bit deeper as I perhaps don't understand how this is tracked.
>>>>> 73
>>>>> Chris
>>>>> On Mon, Oct 2, 2023, 18:44 Chris Thompson via pacsat-dev <
>>>>> pacsat-dev(a)amsat.org> wrote:
>>>>>> Thanks! Will try that tomorrow.
>>>>>> 73
>>>>>> Chris
>>>>>> On Mon, Oct 2, 2023, 17:25 Burns Fisher (AMSAT) <wb1fj(a)fisher.cc>
>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>> Call "ForceInternalWatchdogTrigger". That prevents any other tasks
>>>>>>> from running so after a few seconds, bang! The command to do that is "test
>>>>>>> internal wd".
>>>>>>> There is code for an external watchdog (i.e. using a wd chip outside
>>>>>>> of the processor) but that won't be used on the Launchpad.
>>>>>>> 73,
>>>>>>> Burns Fisher, WB1FJ
>>>>>>> *AMSAT(R) Engineering -- Flight Software*
>>>>>>> On Mon, Oct 2, 2023 at 4:18 PM Chris Thompson via pacsat-dev <
>>>>>>> pacsat-dev(a)amsat.org> wrote:
>>>>>>>> I made some changes to allow the watchdog to be started. Once I
>>>>>>>> added some calls to the Uplink task and removed the CAN task from the
>>>>>>>> wdReports list it stopped rebooting in a loop due to the watchdog.
>>>>>>>> I now have it running with the watchdog enabled but I can't cause
>>>>>>>> it to trigger the watchdog from a task. So I either don't understand what
>>>>>>>> needs to be done or the watchdog is not working properly.
>>>>>>>> The watchdog enabled code is checked into g0kla_watchdog
>>>>>>>> If there is a simple line of code to trigger the watchdog then let
>>>>>>>> me know. I was just trying to add a suitable delay.
>>>>>>>> 73
>>>>>>>> Chris
>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>> Chris E. Thompson
>>>>>>>> chrisethompson(a)gmail.com
>>>>>>>> g0kla(a)arrl.net
>>>>>>>> -----------------------------------------------------------
>>>>>>>> pacsat-dev mailing list -- pacsat-dev(a)amsat.org
>>>>>>>> View archives of this mailing list at
>>>>>>>> https://mailman.amsat.org/hyperkitty/list/[email protected]
>>>>>>>> To unsubscribe send an email to pacsat-dev-leave(a)amsat.org
>>>>>>>> Manage all of your AMSAT-NA mailing list preferences at
>>>>>>>> https://mailman.amsat.org
>>>>>> -----------------------------------------------------------
>>>>>> pacsat-dev mailing list -- pacsat-dev(a)amsat.org
>>>>>> View archives of this mailing list at
>>>>>> https://mailman.amsat.org/hyperkitty/list/[email protected]
>>>>>> To unsubscribe send an email to pacsat-dev-leave(a)amsat.org
>>>>>> Manage all of your AMSAT-NA mailing list preferences at
>>>>>> https://mailman.amsat.org
>>>>> -----------------------------------------------------------
>>>>> pacsat-dev mailing list -- pacsat-dev(a)amsat.org
>>>>> View archives of this mailing list at
>>>>> https://mailman.amsat.org/hyperkitty/list/[email protected]
>>>>> To unsubscribe send an email to pacsat-dev-leave(a)amsat.org
>>>>> Manage all of your AMSAT-NA mailing list preferences at
>>>>> https://mailman.amsat.org
>>>> -----------------------------------------------------------
>>>> pacsat-dev mailing list -- pacsat-dev(a)amsat.org
>>>> View archives of this mailing list at
>>>> https://mailman.amsat.org/hyperkitty/list/[email protected]
>>>> To unsubscribe send an email to pacsat-dev-leave(a)amsat.org
>>>> Manage all of your AMSAT-NA mailing list preferences at
>>>> https://mailman.amsat.org
>>> --
>>> Chris E. Thompson
>>> chrisethompson(a)gmail.com
>>> g0kla(a)arrl.net
>>> -----------------------------------------------------------
>>> pacsat-dev mailing list -- pacsat-dev(a)amsat.org
>>> View archives of this mailing list at
>>> https://mailman.amsat.org/hyperkitty/list/[email protected]
>>> To unsubscribe send an email to pacsat-dev-leave(a)amsat.org
>>> Manage all of your AMSAT-NA mailing list preferences at
>>> https://mailman.amsat.org
>> --
>> Chris E. Thompson
>> chrisethompson(a)gmail.com
>> g0kla(a)arrl.net
>> -----------------------------------------------------------
>> pacsat-dev mailing list -- pacsat-dev(a)amsat.org
>> View archives of this mailing list at
>> https://mailman.amsat.org/hyperkitty/list/[email protected]
>> To unsubscribe send an email to pacsat-dev-leave(a)amsat.org
>> Manage all of your AMSAT-NA mailing list preferences at
>> https://mailman.amsat.org
> -----------------------------------------------------------
> pacsat-dev mailing list -- pacsat-dev(a)amsat.org
> View archives of this mailing list at
> https://mailman.amsat.org/hyperkitty/list/[email protected]
> To unsubscribe send an email to pacsat-dev-leave(a)amsat.org
> Manage all of your AMSAT-NA mailing list preferences at
> https://mailman.amsat.org
The STM32L processor knows how to disable the WD when you are at
breakpoints in the debugger. If the TMS does not do that, it is the only
reason I can think of that there would be a problem.
And just a check: Is the s/w still set up so that the errors structure is
not wiped out by a reset? In other words, that the WD flags will be
available after the WD triggers and the system reboots? I seem to remember
that was a fair bit of hassle to make that happen and I don't just remember
how I did it :-)
Burns Fisher, WB1FJ
*AMSAT(R) Engineering -- Flight Software*
On Tue, Oct 3, 2023 at 1:53 PM Chris Thompson via pacsat-dev <
pacsat-dev(a)amsat.org> wrote:
> Bug fixed and now the local errors structure is copied into the downlink.
> I think we should leave the WD enabled and see if it causes any issues.
> Thoughts on that?
> 73
> Chris
> On Tue, Oct 3, 2023 at 1:37 PM Chris Thompson via pacsat-dev <
> pacsat-dev(a)amsat.org> wrote:
>> Thanks for that.
>> I think it all works then. I can see the bits get set (or not when it
>> triggers). They wdReports not making it into the downlink though. They
>> are visible in errors.c So that is likely a bug in the way they are copied
>> onto the frame.
>> 73
>> Chris
>> On Tue, Oct 3, 2023 at 11:35 AM Burns Fisher (AMSAT) via pacsat-dev <
>> pacsat-dev(a)amsat.org> wrote:
>>> Chris, wdReport is the bitmap of tasks that have called the watchdog
>>> report routine in the last few seconds. When you call
>>> ForceInternalWatchdogTrigger, you go into an infinite loop. Since the OS
>>> is set not to do pre-emption, that prevents ALL tasks from running and from
>>> reporting in. It is possible that you might have called this at such a
>>> time that a different task is the one that did not report in.
>>> If you want to try having a single task not report, put a call to
>>> vTaskYield() inside the infinite loop. That will prevent the current task
>>> from reporting, but allow all the others. And yes, the console task is not
>>> monitored, so it will not show a bit missing if you have the infinite loop
>>> without the yield, and should not trip the WD at all if you use yield.
>>> 73,
>>> Burns Fisher, WB1FJ
>>> *AMSAT(R) Engineering -- Flight Software*
>>> On Tue, Oct 3, 2023 at 11:24 AM Chris Thompson via pacsat-dev <
>>> pacsat-dev(a)amsat.org> wrote:
>>>> Ok, that call works and the watchdog resets the IHU as expected. The
>>>> console is not in wdReports so I could not see if the data ends up in the
>>>> Telemetry. So I put the call in the PB routine that handles DIR
>>>> broadcasts. We get a reset as expected when a DIR is requested. But I
>>>> can't see the missing bit in wdReports. They are all still set. I need to
>>>> dig a bit deeper as I perhaps don't understand how this is tracked.
>>>> 73
>>>> Chris
>>>> On Mon, Oct 2, 2023, 18:44 Chris Thompson via pacsat-dev <
>>>> pacsat-dev(a)amsat.org> wrote:
>>>>> Thanks! Will try that tomorrow.
>>>>> 73
>>>>> Chris
>>>>> On Mon, Oct 2, 2023, 17:25 Burns Fisher (AMSAT) <wb1fj(a)fisher.cc>
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> Call "ForceInternalWatchdogTrigger". That prevents any other tasks
>>>>>> from running so after a few seconds, bang! The command to do that is "test
>>>>>> internal wd".
>>>>>> There is code for an external watchdog (i.e. using a wd chip outside
>>>>>> of the processor) but that won't be used on the Launchpad.
>>>>>> 73,
>>>>>> Burns Fisher, WB1FJ
>>>>>> *AMSAT(R) Engineering -- Flight Software*
>>>>>> On Mon, Oct 2, 2023 at 4:18 PM Chris Thompson via pacsat-dev <
>>>>>> pacsat-dev(a)amsat.org> wrote:
>>>>>>> I made some changes to allow the watchdog to be started. Once I
>>>>>>> added some calls to the Uplink task and removed the CAN task from the
>>>>>>> wdReports list it stopped rebooting in a loop due to the watchdog.
>>>>>>> I now have it running with the watchdog enabled but I can't cause it
>>>>>>> to trigger the watchdog from a task. So I either don't understand what
>>>>>>> needs to be done or the watchdog is not working properly.
>>>>>>> The watchdog enabled code is checked into g0kla_watchdog
>>>>>>> If there is a simple line of code to trigger the watchdog then let
>>>>>>> me know. I was just trying to add a suitable delay.
>>>>>>> 73
>>>>>>> Chris
>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>> Chris E. Thompson
>>>>>>> chrisethompson(a)gmail.com
>>>>>>> g0kla(a)arrl.net
>>>>>>> -----------------------------------------------------------
>>>>>>> pacsat-dev mailing list -- pacsat-dev(a)amsat.org
>>>>>>> View archives of this mailing list at
>>>>>>> https://mailman.amsat.org/hyperkitty/list/[email protected]
>>>>>>> To unsubscribe send an email to pacsat-dev-leave(a)amsat.org
>>>>>>> Manage all of your AMSAT-NA mailing list preferences at
>>>>>>> https://mailman.amsat.org
>>>>> -----------------------------------------------------------
>>>>> pacsat-dev mailing list -- pacsat-dev(a)amsat.org
>>>>> View archives of this mailing list at
>>>>> https://mailman.amsat.org/hyperkitty/list/[email protected]
>>>>> To unsubscribe send an email to pacsat-dev-leave(a)amsat.org
>>>>> Manage all of your AMSAT-NA mailing list preferences at
>>>>> https://mailman.amsat.org
>>>> -----------------------------------------------------------
>>>> pacsat-dev mailing list -- pacsat-dev(a)amsat.org
>>>> View archives of this mailing list at
>>>> https://mailman.amsat.org/hyperkitty/list/[email protected]
>>>> To unsubscribe send an email to pacsat-dev-leave(a)amsat.org
>>>> Manage all of your AMSAT-NA mailing list preferences at
>>>> https://mailman.amsat.org
>>> -----------------------------------------------------------
>>> pacsat-dev mailing list -- pacsat-dev(a)amsat.org
>>> View archives of this mailing list at
>>> https://mailman.amsat.org/hyperkitty/list/[email protected]
>>> To unsubscribe send an email to pacsat-dev-leave(a)amsat.org
>>> Manage all of your AMSAT-NA mailing list preferences at
>>> https://mailman.amsat.org
>> --
>> Chris E. Thompson
>> chrisethompson(a)gmail.com
>> g0kla(a)arrl.net
>> -----------------------------------------------------------
>> pacsat-dev mailing list -- pacsat-dev(a)amsat.org
>> View archives of this mailing list at
>> https://mailman.amsat.org/hyperkitty/list/[email protected]
>> To unsubscribe send an email to pacsat-dev-leave(a)amsat.org
>> Manage all of your AMSAT-NA mailing list preferences at
>> https://mailman.amsat.org
> --
> Chris E. Thompson
> chrisethompson(a)gmail.com
> g0kla(a)arrl.net
> -----------------------------------------------------------
> pacsat-dev mailing list -- pacsat-dev(a)amsat.org
> View archives of this mailing list at
> https://mailman.amsat.org/hyperkitty/list/[email protected]
> To unsubscribe send an email to pacsat-dev-leave(a)amsat.org
> Manage all of your AMSAT-NA mailing list preferences at
> https://mailman.amsat.org
Bug fixed and now the local errors structure is copied into the downlink.
I think we should leave the WD enabled and see if it causes any issues.
Thoughts on that?
On Tue, Oct 3, 2023 at 1:37 PM Chris Thompson via pacsat-dev <
pacsat-dev(a)amsat.org> wrote:
> Thanks for that.
> I think it all works then. I can see the bits get set (or not when it
> triggers). They wdReports not making it into the downlink though. They
> are visible in errors.c So that is likely a bug in the way they are copied
> onto the frame.
> 73
> Chris
> On Tue, Oct 3, 2023 at 11:35 AM Burns Fisher (AMSAT) via pacsat-dev <
> pacsat-dev(a)amsat.org> wrote:
>> Chris, wdReport is the bitmap of tasks that have called the watchdog
>> report routine in the last few seconds. When you call
>> ForceInternalWatchdogTrigger, you go into an infinite loop. Since the OS
>> is set not to do pre-emption, that prevents ALL tasks from running and from
>> reporting in. It is possible that you might have called this at such a
>> time that a different task is the one that did not report in.
>> If you want to try having a single task not report, put a call to
>> vTaskYield() inside the infinite loop. That will prevent the current task
>> from reporting, but allow all the others. And yes, the console task is not
>> monitored, so it will not show a bit missing if you have the infinite loop
>> without the yield, and should not trip the WD at all if you use yield.
>> 73,
>> Burns Fisher, WB1FJ
>> *AMSAT(R) Engineering -- Flight Software*
>> On Tue, Oct 3, 2023 at 11:24 AM Chris Thompson via pacsat-dev <
>> pacsat-dev(a)amsat.org> wrote:
>>> Ok, that call works and the watchdog resets the IHU as expected. The
>>> console is not in wdReports so I could not see if the data ends up in the
>>> Telemetry. So I put the call in the PB routine that handles DIR
>>> broadcasts. We get a reset as expected when a DIR is requested. But I
>>> can't see the missing bit in wdReports. They are all still set. I need to
>>> dig a bit deeper as I perhaps don't understand how this is tracked.
>>> 73
>>> Chris
>>> On Mon, Oct 2, 2023, 18:44 Chris Thompson via pacsat-dev <
>>> pacsat-dev(a)amsat.org> wrote:
>>>> Thanks! Will try that tomorrow.
>>>> 73
>>>> Chris
>>>> On Mon, Oct 2, 2023, 17:25 Burns Fisher (AMSAT) <wb1fj(a)fisher.cc>
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> Call "ForceInternalWatchdogTrigger". That prevents any other tasks
>>>>> from running so after a few seconds, bang! The command to do that is "test
>>>>> internal wd".
>>>>> There is code for an external watchdog (i.e. using a wd chip outside
>>>>> of the processor) but that won't be used on the Launchpad.
>>>>> 73,
>>>>> Burns Fisher, WB1FJ
>>>>> *AMSAT(R) Engineering -- Flight Software*
>>>>> On Mon, Oct 2, 2023 at 4:18 PM Chris Thompson via pacsat-dev <
>>>>> pacsat-dev(a)amsat.org> wrote:
>>>>>> I made some changes to allow the watchdog to be started. Once I
>>>>>> added some calls to the Uplink task and removed the CAN task from the
>>>>>> wdReports list it stopped rebooting in a loop due to the watchdog.
>>>>>> I now have it running with the watchdog enabled but I can't cause it
>>>>>> to trigger the watchdog from a task. So I either don't understand what
>>>>>> needs to be done or the watchdog is not working properly.
>>>>>> The watchdog enabled code is checked into g0kla_watchdog
>>>>>> If there is a simple line of code to trigger the watchdog then let me
>>>>>> know. I was just trying to add a suitable delay.
>>>>>> 73
>>>>>> Chris
>>>>>> --
>>>>>> Chris E. Thompson
>>>>>> chrisethompson(a)gmail.com
>>>>>> g0kla(a)arrl.net
>>>>>> -----------------------------------------------------------
>>>>>> pacsat-dev mailing list -- pacsat-dev(a)amsat.org
>>>>>> View archives of this mailing list at
>>>>>> https://mailman.amsat.org/hyperkitty/list/[email protected]
>>>>>> To unsubscribe send an email to pacsat-dev-leave(a)amsat.org
>>>>>> Manage all of your AMSAT-NA mailing list preferences at
>>>>>> https://mailman.amsat.org
>>>> -----------------------------------------------------------
>>>> pacsat-dev mailing list -- pacsat-dev(a)amsat.org
>>>> View archives of this mailing list at
>>>> https://mailman.amsat.org/hyperkitty/list/[email protected]
>>>> To unsubscribe send an email to pacsat-dev-leave(a)amsat.org
>>>> Manage all of your AMSAT-NA mailing list preferences at
>>>> https://mailman.amsat.org
>>> -----------------------------------------------------------
>>> pacsat-dev mailing list -- pacsat-dev(a)amsat.org
>>> View archives of this mailing list at
>>> https://mailman.amsat.org/hyperkitty/list/[email protected]
>>> To unsubscribe send an email to pacsat-dev-leave(a)amsat.org
>>> Manage all of your AMSAT-NA mailing list preferences at
>>> https://mailman.amsat.org
>> -----------------------------------------------------------
>> pacsat-dev mailing list -- pacsat-dev(a)amsat.org
>> View archives of this mailing list at
>> https://mailman.amsat.org/hyperkitty/list/[email protected]
>> To unsubscribe send an email to pacsat-dev-leave(a)amsat.org
>> Manage all of your AMSAT-NA mailing list preferences at
>> https://mailman.amsat.org
> --
> Chris E. Thompson
> chrisethompson(a)gmail.com
> g0kla(a)arrl.net
> -----------------------------------------------------------
> pacsat-dev mailing list -- pacsat-dev(a)amsat.org
> View archives of this mailing list at
> https://mailman.amsat.org/hyperkitty/list/[email protected]
> To unsubscribe send an email to pacsat-dev-leave(a)amsat.org
> Manage all of your AMSAT-NA mailing list preferences at
> https://mailman.amsat.org
Chris E. Thompson
Thanks for that.
I think it all works then. I can see the bits get set (or not when it
triggers). They wdReports not making it into the downlink though. They
are visible in errors.c So that is likely a bug in the way they are copied
onto the frame.
On Tue, Oct 3, 2023 at 11:35 AM Burns Fisher (AMSAT) via pacsat-dev <
pacsat-dev(a)amsat.org> wrote:
> Chris, wdReport is the bitmap of tasks that have called the watchdog
> report routine in the last few seconds. When you call
> ForceInternalWatchdogTrigger, you go into an infinite loop. Since the OS
> is set not to do pre-emption, that prevents ALL tasks from running and from
> reporting in. It is possible that you might have called this at such a
> time that a different task is the one that did not report in.
> If you want to try having a single task not report, put a call to
> vTaskYield() inside the infinite loop. That will prevent the current task
> from reporting, but allow all the others. And yes, the console task is not
> monitored, so it will not show a bit missing if you have the infinite loop
> without the yield, and should not trip the WD at all if you use yield.
> 73,
> Burns Fisher, WB1FJ
> *AMSAT(R) Engineering -- Flight Software*
> On Tue, Oct 3, 2023 at 11:24 AM Chris Thompson via pacsat-dev <
> pacsat-dev(a)amsat.org> wrote:
>> Ok, that call works and the watchdog resets the IHU as expected. The
>> console is not in wdReports so I could not see if the data ends up in the
>> Telemetry. So I put the call in the PB routine that handles DIR
>> broadcasts. We get a reset as expected when a DIR is requested. But I
>> can't see the missing bit in wdReports. They are all still set. I need to
>> dig a bit deeper as I perhaps don't understand how this is tracked.
>> 73
>> Chris
>> On Mon, Oct 2, 2023, 18:44 Chris Thompson via pacsat-dev <
>> pacsat-dev(a)amsat.org> wrote:
>>> Thanks! Will try that tomorrow.
>>> 73
>>> Chris
>>> On Mon, Oct 2, 2023, 17:25 Burns Fisher (AMSAT) <wb1fj(a)fisher.cc> wrote:
>>>> Call "ForceInternalWatchdogTrigger". That prevents any other tasks
>>>> from running so after a few seconds, bang! The command to do that is "test
>>>> internal wd".
>>>> There is code for an external watchdog (i.e. using a wd chip outside of
>>>> the processor) but that won't be used on the Launchpad.
>>>> 73,
>>>> Burns Fisher, WB1FJ
>>>> *AMSAT(R) Engineering -- Flight Software*
>>>> On Mon, Oct 2, 2023 at 4:18 PM Chris Thompson via pacsat-dev <
>>>> pacsat-dev(a)amsat.org> wrote:
>>>>> I made some changes to allow the watchdog to be started. Once I added
>>>>> some calls to the Uplink task and removed the CAN task from the wdReports
>>>>> list it stopped rebooting in a loop due to the watchdog.
>>>>> I now have it running with the watchdog enabled but I can't cause it
>>>>> to trigger the watchdog from a task. So I either don't understand what
>>>>> needs to be done or the watchdog is not working properly.
>>>>> The watchdog enabled code is checked into g0kla_watchdog
>>>>> If there is a simple line of code to trigger the watchdog then let me
>>>>> know. I was just trying to add a suitable delay.
>>>>> 73
>>>>> Chris
>>>>> --
>>>>> Chris E. Thompson
>>>>> chrisethompson(a)gmail.com
>>>>> g0kla(a)arrl.net
>>>>> -----------------------------------------------------------
>>>>> pacsat-dev mailing list -- pacsat-dev(a)amsat.org
>>>>> View archives of this mailing list at
>>>>> https://mailman.amsat.org/hyperkitty/list/[email protected]
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Chris E. Thompson
Chris, wdReport is the bitmap of tasks that have called the watchdog report
routine in the last few seconds. When you call
ForceInternalWatchdogTrigger, you go into an infinite loop. Since the OS
is set not to do pre-emption, that prevents ALL tasks from running and from
reporting in. It is possible that you might have called this at such a
time that a different task is the one that did not report in.
If you want to try having a single task not report, put a call to
vTaskYield() inside the infinite loop. That will prevent the current task
from reporting, but allow all the others. And yes, the console task is not
monitored, so it will not show a bit missing if you have the infinite loop
without the yield, and should not trip the WD at all if you use yield.
Burns Fisher, WB1FJ
*AMSAT(R) Engineering -- Flight Software*
On Tue, Oct 3, 2023 at 11:24 AM Chris Thompson via pacsat-dev <
pacsat-dev(a)amsat.org> wrote:
> Ok, that call works and the watchdog resets the IHU as expected. The
> console is not in wdReports so I could not see if the data ends up in the
> Telemetry. So I put the call in the PB routine that handles DIR
> broadcasts. We get a reset as expected when a DIR is requested. But I
> can't see the missing bit in wdReports. They are all still set. I need to
> dig a bit deeper as I perhaps don't understand how this is tracked.
> 73
> Chris
> On Mon, Oct 2, 2023, 18:44 Chris Thompson via pacsat-dev <
> pacsat-dev(a)amsat.org> wrote:
>> Thanks! Will try that tomorrow.
>> 73
>> Chris
>> On Mon, Oct 2, 2023, 17:25 Burns Fisher (AMSAT) <wb1fj(a)fisher.cc> wrote:
>>> Call "ForceInternalWatchdogTrigger". That prevents any other tasks from
>>> running so after a few seconds, bang! The command to do that is "test
>>> internal wd".
>>> There is code for an external watchdog (i.e. using a wd chip outside of
>>> the processor) but that won't be used on the Launchpad.
>>> 73,
>>> Burns Fisher, WB1FJ
>>> *AMSAT(R) Engineering -- Flight Software*
>>> On Mon, Oct 2, 2023 at 4:18 PM Chris Thompson via pacsat-dev <
>>> pacsat-dev(a)amsat.org> wrote:
>>>> I made some changes to allow the watchdog to be started. Once I added
>>>> some calls to the Uplink task and removed the CAN task from the wdReports
>>>> list it stopped rebooting in a loop due to the watchdog.
>>>> I now have it running with the watchdog enabled but I can't cause it to
>>>> trigger the watchdog from a task. So I either don't understand what needs
>>>> to be done or the watchdog is not working properly.
>>>> The watchdog enabled code is checked into g0kla_watchdog
>>>> If there is a simple line of code to trigger the watchdog then let me
>>>> know. I was just trying to add a suitable delay.
>>>> 73
>>>> Chris
>>>> --
>>>> Chris E. Thompson
>>>> chrisethompson(a)gmail.com
>>>> g0kla(a)arrl.net
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>>>> https://mailman.amsat.org
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Ok, that call works and the watchdog resets the IHU as expected. The
console is not in wdReports so I could not see if the data ends up in the
Telemetry. So I put the call in the PB routine that handles DIR
broadcasts. We get a reset as expected when a DIR is requested. But I
can't see the missing bit in wdReports. They are all still set. I need to
dig a bit deeper as I perhaps don't understand how this is tracked.
On Mon, Oct 2, 2023, 18:44 Chris Thompson via pacsat-dev <
pacsat-dev(a)amsat.org> wrote:
> Thanks! Will try that tomorrow.
> 73
> Chris
> On Mon, Oct 2, 2023, 17:25 Burns Fisher (AMSAT) <wb1fj(a)fisher.cc> wrote:
>> Call "ForceInternalWatchdogTrigger". That prevents any other tasks from
>> running so after a few seconds, bang! The command to do that is "test
>> internal wd".
>> There is code for an external watchdog (i.e. using a wd chip outside of
>> the processor) but that won't be used on the Launchpad.
>> 73,
>> Burns Fisher, WB1FJ
>> *AMSAT(R) Engineering -- Flight Software*
>> On Mon, Oct 2, 2023 at 4:18 PM Chris Thompson via pacsat-dev <
>> pacsat-dev(a)amsat.org> wrote:
>>> I made some changes to allow the watchdog to be started. Once I added
>>> some calls to the Uplink task and removed the CAN task from the wdReports
>>> list it stopped rebooting in a loop due to the watchdog.
>>> I now have it running with the watchdog enabled but I can't cause it to
>>> trigger the watchdog from a task. So I either don't understand what needs
>>> to be done or the watchdog is not working properly.
>>> The watchdog enabled code is checked into g0kla_watchdog
>>> If there is a simple line of code to trigger the watchdog then let me
>>> know. I was just trying to add a suitable delay.
>>> 73
>>> Chris
>>> --
>>> Chris E. Thompson
>>> chrisethompson(a)gmail.com
>>> g0kla(a)arrl.net
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>>> pacsat-dev mailing list -- pacsat-dev(a)amsat.org
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