The master branch will now work with 2 mrams as I said before. It also can successfully talk to a serial line at 32k8 (and you really have to have that to do anything useful) as well as an AX5043. I have managed to get the 5043 to see a carrier on 2m (the RSSI goes way up) but not to get it to decode anything or transmit anything. I may try that more, but I'm not the 5043 expert by far!
After talking with Jim McCullers, I converted all the connections to use inner pins (Booster Pack connectors) rather than the outside pins. Here are all the connections that the software is setup to use:
(J2/3 means header J2, pin 3. Pins are counted from 1 on the USB connector end)
Power out (to MRAM and AX5043 board) 3.3V Output J2/1 Gnd J5/1
Console serial line: Rx-J2/3 Tx-J2/4 Gnd-J3/2 (Or any other --there are lots)
SPI1 (to both MRAMs): Note that the common term for the data lines is MISO and MOSI. TI calls them SOMI and SIMO, the MRAMs just call them SO and SI.
MISO: J9/7 MOSI: J9/6 CLK: J67 NCS0: J9/3 (For MRAM 0) NCS1: J9/8 (For MRAM 1)
SPI3 (for AX5043--probably for all if we have more than 1) MISO: J5/7 MOSI: J5/6 CLK: J2/7 NCS1 J5/3 (Additional 5043s could use other NCS pins on SPI3. IRQ goes to GIOB[0] J8/8
(I hope I have all that right, but you can double check from the signal names against the Launchpad data sheet). Attached is a picture of the whole thing in my shack. (Ha ha--what a mess!)
Burns Fisher, WB1FJ *AMSAT(R) Engineering -- Flight Software*