Greetings from patrick n2oeq
Regarding my previous email about future modes, it seems every time I bring up a request or express an opinion, the packet crowd takes particular offense to my comments and reacts in an overly protective manner. To the ham in Maricopper county, youve had almost exclusive use of the iss gear for packet for quite a few years so dont be so upset about my request for crossband repeat. Sorry to ruffle feathers but I prefer to talk to humans instead of playing with computers. Without the ability to exchange mail with the crew, I'm uninterested.
Concerning the idea of using a subaudible tone, I thought that was constructive but what I am trying to do is appeal for a mode change.
To bob; the frequency idea was also constructive but I'm sure you wish to maintain control of the D700. Arent years enough? In my opinion , its time for a change or shared usage.
I assure everyone I'm not stupid; I realize the crew is busy so quite throwing that at me. What I am asking for is the use of cross-band repeat with the D700. Then we could talk to each other on the ground and like the past, maybe the crew will be listening and get on and say hello.
I'm making a request, not a demand, so spare me the heated replies.
On a social note, I believe amateur radio on the ISS is a great opportunity to promote world friendship. On a political note; Making war is easy, making peace is hard. Thats why I support ARISS.
Thanks for your comments but dont take it personally. 73, pat