Here's a news flash: When you paid your dues to AMSAT there was no contract. You neither purchased a product nor subscribed to a service. YOU JOINED A CLUB. No one cheated you out of anything, because nobody promised you anything, other than that you could be part of the club. You can take your ball and go home if you like. Or you can participate in the club and try to make it better, as many of the rest of us are doing. Nobody is getting paid to serve you. We're all in the club to have a good time.
Just today, I transmitted a signal to AO-109 and saw it come back for the first time. Those who have been helping me with the project will attest that I'm no technical genius. I'm using 75 watts and a LEOpack -- not an exotic station. I'm close to having a contact on that bird, but it's going to take more than the day-and-a-half I've been working on it. And I'll have to learn something along the way. But that's why it's a hobby. I'm having fun with the challenge.
There are no American business people lying to you here, because we aren't doing business with you. It's not a business, just an organization. You didn't buy anything from AMSAT, you joined it. -- Mark D. Johns, KØJM AMSAT Ambassador & News Service Editor Brooklyn Park, MN USA EN35hd ----------------------------------------------- "Heaven goes by favor; if it went by merit, you would stay out and your dog would go in." ---Mark Twain
On Tue, Aug 17, 2021 at 10:08 AM [email protected] wrote:
NO that would be not true. calling 8mW from something that should be putting out 440mW is not WORKING it is barely limping along and unusable for the user base. calling it "working" is spin and borders on a lie as far as i am concerned. let's not play games and say untrue statements please. how many bad satellites now? ok? it does not look very good whether you want to hear it or not. that is the truth amsat. i am tired of being lied to by american business people. i pay for a membership. that does not give anybody the right to abuse the funds, playing games. nobody seems to know why nothing is working lately.
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