Upcoming ARISS Contact Schedule as of 2008-12-13 23:00 UTC
Quick list of scheduled contacts and events:
2 Circolo Didattico, San Giuseppe, Mola di Bari, Italy, direct via IZ7EVR
Contact was successful: Fri 2008-12-12 14:14 UTC 56 deg (***)
King George Elementary School, Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan, Canada, direct via
Contact is a go for: Mon 2008-12-15 16:51 UTC 75 deg
Scuola Elementare Faleriense “Gianni Rodari”,Porto S. Elpidio,I-63018,
Italy direct via I6KZR
Contact is a go for: Thu 2008-12-18 12:10 UTC 81 deg
Ann Arbor Hands-On Museum, Ann Arbor, Michigan, direct via WA2HOM
Contact is a go for: Sat 2008-12-27 15:53 UTC 24 deg (***)
Crossband repeater and packet have been active! Don’t forget to do Doppler
correction for the crossband repeater!
Don’t forget the keyword here is Repeater. Repeaters have the FM capture
effect. Strongest into the machine wins momentarily.
Total number of ARISS ISS to earth school contacts is 393. (***)
Total number of ARISS supported terrestrial contacts is 14.
QSL information may be found at:
ISS callsigns: DP0ISS, NA1SS, OR4ISS, RS0ISS
The complete schedule page has been updated as of 2008-12-13 23:00 UTC.
Here you will find a listing of all scheduled school contacts, and
questions, other ISS related websites, IRLP and Echolink websites, and instructions
for any contact that may be streamed live.
The successful school list has been updated as of 2008-12-13 23:00 UTC.
Frequency chart for packet, voice, and crossband repeater modes showing
Doppler correction as of 2005-07-29 04:00 UTC
Listing of ARISS related magazine articles as of 2006-07-10 03:30 UTC:
There have been rumors in the past indicating that the ISS was having direct
contacts on the 40 meter band. There is no HF radio equipment on board and
available yet. The HF antenna is mounted. Sometimes WA3NAN will retransmit
shuttle audio.
Exp. 18 on orbit:
Michael Fincke KE5AIT
Yury Lonchakov RA3DT
Sandra Magnus KE5FYE
Charlie Sufana AJ9N
One of the ARISS operation team mentors
**************Make your life easier with all your friends, email, and
favorite sites in one place. Try it now.
ISS UK Pass at 11.30utc.
1200bps Packet heard on 145.800MHz
Missed copying the frames as my packet system was monitoring 145.825MHz for
Upcoming ARISS Contact Schedule as of 2008-12-11 02:00 UTC
Quick list of scheduled contacts and events:
Istituto Comprensivo “Marco Polo“ , Grado I-34073, Italy, via IV3YZB
Contact was successful: Wed 2008-12-10 10:08 UTC 87 deg (***)
2 Circolo Didattico, San Giuseppe, Mola di Bari, Italy, direct via IZ7EVR
Contact is a go for: Fri 2008-12-12 14:14 UTC 56 deg
King George Elementary School, Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan, Canada, direct via VE5ISS
Contact is a go for: Mon 2008-12-15 16:51 UTC 75 deg
Scuola Elementare Faleriense “Gianni Rodari”,Porto S. Elpidio,I-63018, Italy direct via I6KZR
Contact is a go for: Thu 2008-12-18 12:10 UTC 81 deg
Crossband repeater and packet have been active! Don’t forget to do Doppler correction for the crossband repeater!
Don’t forget the keyword here is Repeater. Repeaters have the FM capture effect. Strongest into the machine wins momentarily.
Total number of ARISS ISS to earth school contacts is 392. (***)
Total number of ARISS supported terrestrial contacts is 14.
QSL information may be found at:
ISS callsigns: DP0ISS, NA1SS, OR4ISS, RS0ISS
The complete schedule page has been updated as20of 2008-12-11 02:00 UTC. (***)
Here you will find a listing of all scheduled school contacts, and questions, other ISS related websites, IRLP and Echolink websites, and instructions for any contact that may be streamed live. http://www.amsat.org/amsat/ariss/news/arissnews.txt
The successful school list has been updated as of 2008-12-11 02:00 UTC. (***)
Frequency chart for packet, voice, and crossband repeater modes showing Doppler correction as of 2005-07-29 04:00 UTC
Listing of ARISS related magazine articles as of 2006-07-10 03:30 UTC:
There have been rumors in the past indicating that the ISS was having direct contacts on the 40 meter band. There is no HF radio equipment on board and available yet. The HF antenna is mounted. Sometimes WA3NAN will retransmit shuttle audio.
Exp. 18 on orbit:
Michael Fincke KE5AIT
Yury Lonchakov RA3DT
Sandra Magnus KE5FYE
Charlie Sufana AJ9N
One of the ARISS operation team mentors
The ARISS team has had a number of queries on several topics. It is hoped
that this e-mail will answer these for you.
1) 25th Anniversary of Ham in Space Special Event Certificate---Many have
asked how to receive the special certificate and what qualifies you for the
Qualification: Those that have had 2 way communications with the ISS on
Voice, Packet (APRS), or through the voice repeater. And those that have
heard the ISS from space in any of the ARISS operations modes (Voice, SSTV,
School Contact, Voice Repeater, Digital). Valid dates to qualify for
certificate: November 30 to January 15.
Receiving the Certificate:
A) Please note on your QSL the ARISS mode of operation (e.g. SSTV, voice,
school, etc) and whether the contact with you was 1 way (receive only) or 2
B) Send your SASE to the normal ARISS QSL volunteer distributor in your area
of the world.
C) On the outside of the QSL envelope, please include the words "25th
Anniversary Certificate"
D) Make sure your envelope is big enough to accept an 8.5 by 11 inch
certificate and includes the proper postage.
E) Go to www.ariss.org if you do not know where to send your QSL and please
use one of the standard international QSL distributors that are noted on the
Web page.
Important note: We will be sending your certificate to the volunteer
distributors in bulk AFTER the event is over. (This saves workload and
money). So do not expect to see it until 1-2 months after the event closes
on January 15.
2) Richard Garriott QSL Card---there are have several queries about the
final results of Richard Garriott's flight and how the QSL cards will be
QSO Results: Richard made over 500 voice QSOs during his flight, clearly
more than any single ham has made on-orbit during a short duration mission.
And he sent down about 1000 SSTV images during his flight.
QSL Card: Those that had a QSO with Richard can receive an ARISS QSL card
using the normal ARISS process. (See www.ariss.org). Richard Garriott is
also planning a personal card which is in development. Once it is
developed, they will be shipped to the ARISS international QSL distribution
volunteers for distribution. The current plan is that those that have
already sent in for an ARISS QSL card will also get a Richard Garriott
personal card once it is available. If you made a contact with Richard,
have not sent in your QSL, and would like Richard's personal QSL card,
please stand by for QSL distribution instructions until the QSL card is
ready. The distribution of this special QSL will parallel how we are
distributing the 25th Anniversary Certificate.
3) SSTV Operations Web Site---The ARISS team appreciated the special web
page support from UC Berkeley. They allowed us to use their server to
support SSTV operations during the Richard Garriott's flight. This was a
temporary solution. The web site is currently down while we move the web
pages from the Berkeley site to the AMSAT server. This should be completed
in the next few days. You will see a follow-on e-mail with details on
connecting up to the SSTV Operations server. We thank you for your
On behalf of the ARISS International team of volunteers, I thank you all for
your interest and participation in the ARISS Program.
73, Frank Bauer, KA3HDO
AMSAT V.P. for Human Spaceflight Programs
ARISS International Chairman
Upcoming ARISS Contact Schedule as of 2008-12-10 01:00 UTC
Quick list of scheduled contacts and events:
Stephen F. Austin Elementary School, Richmond, Texas, direct via K5AUS
Contact was successful: Tue 2008-12-09 15:43 UTC 52 deg (***)
Istituto Comprensivo “Marco Polo“ , Grado I-34073, Italy, via IV3YZB
Contact is a go for: Wed 2008-12-10 10:08 UTC 87 deg
2 Circolo Didattico, San Giuseppe, Mola di Bari, Italy, direct via IZ7EVR
Contact is a go for: Fri 2008-12-12 14:14 UTC 56 deg
King George Elementary School, Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan, Canada, direct via VE5ISS
Contact is a go for: Mon 2008-12-15 16:51 UTC 75 deg
Scuola Elementare Faleriense “Gianni Rodari”,Porto S. Elpidio,I-63018, Italy direct via I6KZR
Contact is a go for: Thu 2008-12-18 12:10 UTC 81 deg
Crossband repeater and packet have been active! Don’t forget to do Doppler correction for the crossband repeater!
Don’t forget the keyword here is Repeater. Repeaters have the FM capture effect. Strongest into the machine wins momentarily.
Total number of ARISS ISS to earth school contacts is 391. (***)
Total number of ARISS supported terrestrial contacts is 14.
QSL information may be found at:
ISS callsigns: DP0ISS, NA1
The complete schedule page has been updated as of 2008-12-10 01:00 UTC. (***)
Here you will find a listing of all scheduled school contacts, and questions, other ISS related websites, IRLP and Echolink websites, and instructions for any contact that may be streamed live. http://www.amsat.org/amsat/ariss/news/arissnews.txt
The successful school list has been updated as of 2008-12-10 01:00 UTC. (***)
Frequency chart for packet, voice, and crossband repeater modes showing Doppler correction as of 2005-07-29 04:00 UTC
Listing of ARISS related magazine articles as of 2006-07-10 03:30 UTC:
There have been rumors in the past indicating that the ISS was having direct contacts on the 40 meter band. There is no HF radio equipment on board and available yet. The HF antenna is mounted. Sometimes WA3NAN will retransmit shuttle audio.
Exp. 18 on orbit:
Michael Fincke KE5AIT
Yury Lonchakov RA3DT
Sandra Magnus KE5FYE
Charlie Sufana AJ9N
One of the=2
0ARISS operation team mentors
Hi all,
9600 baud packet came back on the 2040 UTC pass today (145.825 simplex).
I got many packets through, also copied KB1GVR and W3ADO. Signals were
very good. Thanks Kenneth, N9VHO, and ARISS for the new mode on ISS!
Stan W4SV
Hanna, Indiana
Upcoming ARISS Contact Schedule as of 2008-12-08 19:30 UTC
Quick list of scheduled contacts and events:
Ellis School, Belleville, IL, USA, direct via K9GXU
Contact was successful: Mon 2008-12-08 16:54 UTC 75 deg (***)
Congratulations Sandy for your first ARISS contact! (***)
Stephen F. Austin Elementary School, Richmond, Texas, direct via K5AUS
Contact is a go for: Tue 2008-12-09 15:43 UTC 52 deg
Istituto Comprensivo “Marco Polo“ , Grado I-34073, Italy, via IV3YZB
Contact is a go for: Wed 2008-12-10 10:08 UTC 87 deg
2 Circolo Didattico, San Giuseppe, Mola di Bari, Italy, direct via IZ7EVR
Contact is a go for: Fri 2008-12-12 14:14 UTC 56 deg
King George Elementary School, Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan, Canada, direct via
Contact is a go for: Mon 2008-12-15 16:51 UTC 75 deg (***)
Scuola Elementare Faleriense “Gianni Rodari”,Porto S. Elpidio,I-63018,
Italy direct via I6KZR
Contact is a go for: Thu 2008-12-18 12:10 UTC 81 deg (***)
Crossband repeater and packet have been active! Don’t forget to do Doppler
correction for the crossband repeater! (***)
Don’t forget the keyword here is Repeater. Repeaters have the FM capture
effect. Strongest into the machine wins momentarily. (***)
Total number of ARISS ISS to earth school contacts is 390. (***)
Total number of ARISS supported terrestrial contacts is 14.
QSL information may be found at:
ISS callsigns: DP0ISS, NA1SS, OR4ISS, RS0ISS
The complete schedule page has been updated as of 2008-12-08 19:30 UTC.
Here you will find a listing of all scheduled school contacts, and
questions, other ISS related websites, IRLP and Echolink websites, and instructions
for any contact that may be streamed live.
The successful school list has been updated as of 2008-12-08 19:30 UTC.
Frequency chart for packet, voice, and crossband repeater modes showing
Doppler correction as of 2005-07-29 04:00 UTC
Listing of ARISS related magazine articles as of 2006-07-10 03:30 UTC:
There have been rumors in the past indicating that the ISS was having direct
contacts on the 40 meter band. There is no HF radio equipment on board and
available yet. The HF antenna is mounted. Sometimes WA3NAN will retransmit
shuttle audio.
Exp. 18 on orbit:
Michael Fincke KE5AIT
Yury Lonchakov RA3DT
Sandra Magnus KE5FYE
Charlie Sufana AJ9N
One of the ARISS operation team mentors
**************Make your life easier with all your friends, email, and
favorite sites in one place. Try it now.