*Heat Shield Inspection Continues*
12 AUGUST 2007
The STS-118 crew continues to conduct a focused inspection of Space
Shuttle Endeavour’s heat shield. Using the shuttle’s robotic arm and
50-foot-long Orbiter Boom Sensor System (OBSS), the crew is taking a
look at five areas on the underside that may have been damaged during
the climb to orbit on Aug. 8.
STS-118 Mission Specialists Tracy Caldwell and Barbara Morgan and
Commander Scott Kelly are the shuttle robotic arm operators for the
inspection. STS-118 Pilot Charles Hobaugh and Expedition 15 Flight
Engineer Clay Anderson are operating the International Space Station’s
robotic arm, which was used to lift the OBSS out of Endeavour’s payload
bay and hand it off to the shuttle arm.
The data collected by the inspection will be sent to the Mission Control
Center in Houston for analysis by engineers and flight controllers.
In other activities, cargo transfers continue between Endeavour and the
station. Also on tap today are preparations for STS-118’s second
spacewalk, slated to begin at 11:31 a.m. EDT Monday and be conducted by
Mission Specialists Dave Williams and Rick Mastracchio.
Later today, managers are expected to make a decision about a possible
mission extension to 14 days for STS-118. The decision will be based
upon the performance of the Station-to-Shuttle Power Transfer System,
which is designed to allow shuttles to receive power from the station
during docked operations.