The cleanroom at the AMSAT Pocomoke lab is almost done (only took a
Check out the little pics I've attached. There are more pics at
We have hung 18 of 22 static-dissipative clear plastic 4'x8' sheets around
the cleanroom. The next step for that is laying aluminum strips along all
the joints, and hanging the doors, and of course the ante-room entrance.
We have also installed the remaining fluorescent light fixtures of the
cleanroom. The next step for that is wiring up the fan motors and light
fixtures to the sub-breaker box.
The fire suppression company will return Tuesday of this week to install the
sprinklers of the cleanroom (required by MD Fire Code). This is the last
hurdle to getting occupancy of the lab and machine shop areas.
Here's the December Lab volunteer schedule:
Sat Dec 8 Closed (this is a change since my last email).
Sat Dec 15 Open 9am-5pm.
Closed remainder of December. I'll send the January schedule later.
We will "fall off" the cleanroom work SOON. Then we'll focus on the tower
and Eagle electronic modules. It will be good to finally do ham stuff, not
just scrubbing, painting and drilling!
Volunteers are always needed, and even visitors are welcome.
If you have any questions, call my cell 443-783-7794 or email me
For directions to the Pocomoke Lab, map to this:
Pocomoke Belt & Broad St
Pocomoke City, MD 21851
Robert Davis