The Montgomery Amateur Radio Club is offering a free amateur radio
Technician class at Montgomery College, Rockville for six Saturday
mornings from March 28, 2015 to May 2, 2015 at 9 AM to Noon. More
information about this class is at
We have a classroom, a schedule and instructors, but we need students at
this time. Please spread the word to help us to get students for this
free class.
In addition, we have scheduled four public exam sessions for 2015. The
first test session is at on May 9, 2015 at 9 AM to Noon. The details are at
Thank you,
David, W2LNX
MARC Education committee
ACT NOW: Paid Internships at NASA for Summer
Please post this as widely as possible, for college students,
In their EE or ECE departments, and all around campus.
Thank you,
Pat N8PK
Mr. Pat Kilroy
Integration and Test (I&T) Lead
NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
Building 5, Mail Code 568
Greenbelt, Maryland 20771-5860
W: 301-286-1984
E: Patrick.L.Kilroy(a)<mailto:[email protected]>