[email protected]

February 2008

  • 202 participants
  • 298 discussions

03 Feb '08
Re: mentpor help
by 03 Feb '08

03 Feb '08
Atlanta 08
by 03 Feb '08

03 Feb '08
SuitSat 1 Anniversary !!
by Stefan Wagener 03 Feb '08

03 Feb '08
Stretching the footprint!!
by Frank A Cahoy 03 Feb '08

03 Feb '08
AO-16 in repeater mode
by Jim White 03 Feb '08

03 Feb '08
FCAL & Quakesat
by Chris Bloy 03 Feb '08

03 Feb '08

03 Feb '08

03 Feb '08
mentpor help
by Nick Pugh 03 Feb '08

03 Feb '08
Satellites on 1200Mhz
by Vincenzo Mone 03 Feb '08

03 Feb '08

03 Feb '08
Tracking program VS doppler corr
by Luc Leblanc 03 Feb '08

03 Feb '08
Re: FW: Oh - my - God - (AO-7 uplink power).
by 03 Feb '08

03 Feb '08
ande-award arrived tks
by Mr Jeffrey L Ross 03 Feb '08

03 Feb '08
Re: Explorer I
by David Donaldson 03 Feb '08

03 Feb '08
TNX for the AO-16 QSOs!
by 03 Feb '08

03 Feb '08
DX on AO-7
by Darin Cowan 02 Feb '08

02 Feb '08
Re: record AO7B
by 02 Feb '08

02 Feb '08
record AO7B
by 02 Feb '08

02 Feb '08
Re: 25 watt Moonbounce
by Oscar Diez 02 Feb '08

02 Feb '08
AO-7 DX claim
by 02 Feb '08

02 Feb '08
Re: Explorer I
by Edward Cole 02 Feb '08

02 Feb '08
JH3XCU/1 and AO-7 web site
by DeYoung James 02 Feb '08

02 Feb '08
Congrats to Frank KA3HDO
by Bruce 02 Feb '08

02 Feb '08

02 Feb '08
by truckwiz 02 Feb '08

02 Feb '08
AO7 Operating Tip #1

01 Feb '08
Services offered
by truckwiz 01 Feb '08

01 Feb '08
ISS Repeater Active
by Tony VK5ZAI 01 Feb '08

01 Feb '08
Re: FW: Oh - my - God - (AO-7 uplink power).
by 01 Feb '08

01 Feb '08
Re: Which Handheld...
by Clint Bradford 01 Feb '08

01 Feb '08
Re: AMSAT-BB Digest, Vol 3, Issue 59
by Clint Bradford 01 Feb '08

01 Feb '08
Explorer I
by Roy 01 Feb '08

01 Feb '08
Re: Which Handheld...
by Clint Bradford 01 Feb '08

01 Feb '08
by John Hackett 01 Feb '08

01 Feb '08

01 Feb '08
Delfi-C3 launch delayed
by Wouter Jan Ubbels 01 Feb '08

01 Feb '08
Power budgets.
by John Hackett 01 Feb '08

01 Feb '08
Power budgets.
by John Hackett 01 Feb '08

01 Feb '08
antenna attenuation
by 01 Feb '08

01 Feb '08
Re: Satellite tracking programming ideas
by 01 Feb '08

01 Feb '08
SatPC32 wont stay in UTC mode
by Charles Reiche 01 Feb '08

01 Feb '08
ISS Repeater turned on
by Tony 31 Jan '08

31 Jan '08
Re: antenna attenuation
by Dave Guimont 31 Jan '08

31 Jan '08
RFI source found - sort of
by Tony 31 Jan '08

31 Jan '08
Trade Compaq server for radio!
by chad phillips 31 Jan '08

31 Jan '08
Which handheld for sats?
by chad phillips 31 Jan '08

31 Jan '08