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February 2009

  • 171 participants
  • 239 discussions
by Alan Sieg WB5RMG 08 Feb '09

08 Feb '09
The future of AMSAT is NOW . . .
by Alan Sieg WB5RMG 08 Feb '09

08 Feb '09

08 Feb '09
FM interference on VO-52
by Andrew Glasbrenner 08 Feb '09

08 Feb '09
tracking tools
by Greg Wycoff 07 Feb '09

07 Feb '09
Fwd: [PNWVHFS] Dish available
by 07 Feb '09

07 Feb '09
HEO sat
by Howie DeFelice 07 Feb '09

07 Feb '09
Re: HEO naivete
by Mike and Paula Herr 07 Feb '09

07 Feb '09
HEO and future of AMSAT
by Greg Wycoff 07 Feb '09

07 Feb '09