Yes, the uplink frequency is 1267.603MHz.
Up 1267.603MHz / Down 437.475MHz, GMSK 9k6
Unproto APRS via JQ1YTC
Up Down
1267.576 437.484 AOS
1267.603 437.475 TCA
1267.630 437.466 LOS
CO-65 continue doing ON of a transponder all the time
for these periods in March 2009.
> 2/28(Sat)12:29 - 3/02(Mon) 0:38
> 3/06(Fri)12:57 - 3/09(Mon) 1:13
> 3/14(Sat) 1:23 - 3/16(Mon) 0:12
> 3/20(Fri)12:31 - 3/23(Mon) 0:46
> 3/27(Fri)11:30 - 3/30(Mon) 1:22
> Coordinate Universal Time, UTC
When it is the elevation more than about 30 degrees,
you will be able to digipeat your GMSK signals.
And you need to give power more than about 10 watts,
and it's necessary to use a pre-amp for downlink
because the output power from CO-65 is 300[mW].
This is VERY VERY weak output power from CO-65.
Today 00:20-00:32UTC, 1st Mar 2009, Mel 49deg, GMSK 9600bps
JE9PEL>APRS,JQ1YTC* [03/01/09 00:27:13] <UI R>::SAT :Hello via CO-65 9k6
JA5BLZ>CQ,JQ1YTC* [03/01/09 00:27:51] <UI>::JE9PEL :HELLO VIA CO-65
JA5BLZ>CQ,JQ1YTC* [03/01/09 00:30:37] <UI>:73 ALL
JH1BCL>CQ,JQ1YTC* [03/01/09 00:30:40] <UI>::JA5BLZ :RGR TNX MSG 73
JE9PEL, Mineo Wakita