[email protected]

September 2010

  • 139 participants
  • 210 discussions
AO51 weak sig
by 09 Sep '10

09 Sep '10

08 Sep '10
Another Budget Launch Vehicle
by Jeff Davis 08 Sep '10

08 Sep '10
Office Closed
by Martha 08 Sep '10

08 Sep '10

08 Sep '10
K2BSA/5 to do Sat demonstration 9-11-2010
by Paul Williamson 08 Sep '10

08 Sep '10
ISS recording voice pass 2015utc sep7
by charlie Cantrill 07 Sep '10

07 Sep '10
Sept VHF Contest
by Rick - WA4NVM 07 Sep '10

07 Sep '10
KD8KSN/0 in Colorado Soon
by Zachary Beougher 07 Sep '10

07 Sep '10
Now is the Time
by Martha 07 Sep '10

07 Sep '10