[email protected]

  • 35 participants
  • 43230 discussions

29 Apr '20
AO-92 Images
by Tom Matthews 29 Apr '20

29 Apr '20
ARISS News Release (ANR) No. 20-03
by David Jordan 29 Apr '20

29 Apr '20
by Ronaldo Martins 28 Apr '20

28 Apr '20
LoTW and PO-101
by Bob Meyers 28 Apr '20

28 Apr '20
by Pedro Converso 28 Apr '20

28 Apr '20
First signals from Quetzal-1
by Roland Zurmely 28 Apr '20

28 Apr '20

28 Apr '20
Repeater interference on AO-92
by Roy Dean 28 Apr '20

28 Apr '20

28 Apr '20

28 Apr '20
Re: [amsat-bb] Repeater interference on AO-92
by 27 Apr '20

27 Apr '20
Repeater interference on AO-92
by Stephen DeVience 27 Apr '20

27 Apr '20
by Steve Kristoff 27 Apr '20

27 Apr '20

27 Apr '20

27 Apr '20
FUNcube Warehouse Status
by David Johnson 26 Apr '20

26 Apr '20
LVB tracker and Sat32PC
by Chris Busch 26 Apr '20

26 Apr '20
observer not centered sat 32
by James Brown 26 Apr '20

26 Apr '20
by PY5LF 26 Apr '20

26 Apr '20
Quetzal-1 deploy from ISS 28th Apr
by Masahiro Arai 25 Apr '20

25 Apr '20

25 Apr '20
Re: [amsat-bb] Uplink Calibration in SatPC32
by 25 Apr '20

25 Apr '20
VHF/UHF Transverter?
by Ham Radio Essentials 24 Apr '20

24 Apr '20
Let's take some pictures.
by Andrew Glasbrenner 24 Apr '20

24 Apr '20
Uplink Calibration in SatPC32
by VA3ASE 24 Apr '20

24 Apr '20
Another Effect of Covid 19
by Brad Smith 23 Apr '20

23 Apr '20
AO-92 L band
by Ronald Parsons 22 Apr '20

22 Apr '20
AO-92 L band
by 73 Bob W7LRD 22 Apr '20

22 Apr '20

22 Apr '20
Amsat Journal, Digital-only?
by Ronald Parsons 22 Apr '20

22 Apr '20

21 Apr '20
Another effect of COVID-19
by Steve Kristoff 21 Apr '20

21 Apr '20
by PY5LF 21 Apr '20

21 Apr '20
Missing AMSAT Journal
by Kent R Frazier 21 Apr '20

21 Apr '20
Tuning M2 LEO pack antennas
by Carl A Estey 20 Apr '20

20 Apr '20

20 Apr '20
Re: [amsat-bb] 23cm antenna
by Nick KE8AKW 20 Apr '20

20 Apr '20
by Bob Keating 20 Apr '20

20 Apr '20
23cm antenna
by ke4kol 20 Apr '20

20 Apr '20
W4AMI Award
by Bruce 20 Apr '20

20 Apr '20

20 Apr '20

18 Apr '20
AO-91 and CW
by Russ Kinner 18 Apr '20

18 Apr '20
VE8RAC on for WARD 12z-24z
by Ron VE8RT 18 Apr '20

18 Apr '20

17 Apr '20
PO-101 did not seem to hear me
by Loren M. Lang 17 Apr '20

17 Apr '20
Telemetry on 145.96 MHz
by wizardofzid 16 Apr '20

16 Apr '20
Wanted: Icom AG25 preamp
by Kyle Y 15 Apr '20

15 Apr '20
SATpc32 -- Limit satellites to active ones?
by Thomas Schaefer 13 Apr '20

13 Apr '20
Cheap 10W solar panels
by GEO Badger 13 Apr '20

13 Apr '20
SATpc32 -- doppler.sqf Editor
by Michael Walker 13 Apr '20

13 Apr '20
Good Contact???
by Brad Smith 13 Apr '20

13 Apr '20
what is a good contact?
by Ron VE8RT 13 Apr '20

13 Apr '20
12 17
0 0

13 Apr '20
4/11 14:30z AO-92
by Roy Dean 13 Apr '20

13 Apr '20
Re: [amsat-bb] 4/11 14:30z AO-92
by Roy Dean 13 Apr '20

13 Apr '20

12 Apr '20
Past Satellite Ham
by Brad Smith 11 Apr '20

11 Apr '20
Efficient Contacts
by Brad Smith 11 Apr '20

11 Apr '20
4/11 14:30z AO-92
by Roy Dean 11 Apr '20

11 Apr '20
Gagarin Cup International DX Contest
by Brennan Price 11 Apr '20

11 Apr '20

11 Apr '20
AMSAT Freq Guide April 2019
by W0JW John 10 Apr '20

10 Apr '20
AMSAT Freq Guide April 2019
by Ron VE8RT 10 Apr '20

10 Apr '20

10 Apr '20

10 Apr '20
Satellite station for sale
by Glenn Miller - AA5PK 10 Apr '20

10 Apr '20
Past Satellite Ham
by Brad Smith 10 Apr '20

10 Apr '20

09 Apr '20
suggested audio recorder?
by Ron VE8RT 09 Apr '20

09 Apr '20
9 12
0 0

09 Apr '20
Re: [amsat-bb] Voice Recorder
by Clint Bradford 09 Apr '20

09 Apr '20
Voice Recorder
by Brad Smith 09 Apr '20

09 Apr '20
OA4 on AO7
by The Romagni's 09 Apr '20

09 Apr '20
Re: [amsat-bb] AO-7 and Move-11 - Move-11b
by 09 Apr '20

09 Apr '20
Rocket Lab Rocket Recovery test
by Wendy and Terry Osborne 08 Apr '20

08 Apr '20
M2 LEOpack tuning
by Mark D. Johns 08 Apr '20

08 Apr '20
by 73 Bob W7LRD 08 Apr '20

08 Apr '20
odd phenomena AO7 ?
by Ron VE8RT 07 Apr '20

07 Apr '20
IC-475H CI-V questions
by Ron VE8RT 07 Apr '20

07 Apr '20

07 Apr '20

06 Apr '20
by Ray Soifer 06 Apr '20

06 Apr '20
SatPC32 with the FT-818nd
by Loren M. Lang 06 Apr '20

06 Apr '20
Re: [amsat-bb] How to Drive SATpc32
by Michael Walker 05 Apr '20

05 Apr '20
How to Drive SATpc32
by Michael Walker 05 Apr '20

05 Apr '20
A Critique on Operations of the FM Birds
by Chris Hoffman 05 Apr '20

05 Apr '20

05 Apr '20
Anyone want a Kansas City Tracker manual?
by Stephan Greene 05 Apr '20

05 Apr '20

04 Apr '20

04 Apr '20
PSAT-2/NO-104 status
by Tomáš Urbanec 03 Apr '20

03 Apr '20
ISS Operating Schedule
by John Lutz 02 Apr '20

02 Apr '20