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  • 34 participants
  • 43213 discussions
Re: [amsat-bb] Link Budget
by Edward R Cole 07 Nov '15

07 Nov '15
Re: [amsat-bb] Link Budget
by Edward R Cole 07 Nov '15

07 Nov '15
a big thanks!
by KG4BYN - Ben Harold 07 Nov '15

07 Nov '15

07 Nov '15
PSK31 on PSAT-1 (was elbow room)
by Robert Bruninga 07 Nov '15

07 Nov '15
Re: [amsat-bb] AO85 vs SO-50
by 07 Nov '15

07 Nov '15
dumbest questions in the world
by KG4BYN - Ben Harold 07 Nov '15

07 Nov '15
AO 85 operations
by James Brown 07 Nov '15

07 Nov '15
Re: [amsat-bb] AMSAT-BB Digest, Vol 10, Issue 338
by Miguel Angel Baldonado 06 Nov '15

06 Nov '15

06 Nov '15
Open source APRS tracker Kickstarter
by Steve Kristoff 06 Nov '15

06 Nov '15
11 18
0 0

06 Nov '15
AO85 Pass
by PY5LF 06 Nov '15

06 Nov '15
BRICSAT-1 recovery challenge
by Robert Bruninga 06 Nov '15

06 Nov '15
Satellite APRS Double hop
by Sil 06 Nov '15

06 Nov '15

06 Nov '15
PARC presentation on Phase 4B
by Robert McGwier 06 Nov '15

06 Nov '15

06 Nov '15

05 Nov '15
Lost at Symposium
by EMike McCardel 05 Nov '15

05 Nov '15

05 Nov '15
Fox-1 decoder
by Tom Worthington 05 Nov '15

05 Nov '15

05 Nov '15
WD9EWK @ Tucson Hamfest (Marana AZ), 7 November 2015
by Patrick STODDARD (WD9EWK/VA7EWK) 04 Nov '15

04 Nov '15
Re: [amsat-bb] AO-85 Rudeness (elbow room)
by Robert Bruninga 04 Nov '15

04 Nov '15
AO-85 last evening
by jeffory broughton 04 Nov '15

04 Nov '15
by Peter Budnik 04 Nov '15

04 Nov '15

04 Nov '15

04 Nov '15
Hawaiian launch failure
by Mineo Wakita 04 Nov '15

04 Nov '15
TLEs for Hawaiian launch
by Dave Webb KB1PVH 04 Nov '15

04 Nov '15

04 Nov '15

04 Nov '15
ARISS Contact Audio - Thursday
by John Spasojevich 04 Nov '15

04 Nov '15
AO-85 Rudeness
by Dale Kubichek 03 Nov '15

03 Nov '15
Status of XW-2E
by Red Willoughby 03 Nov '15

03 Nov '15
Upcoming ARISS contact with Dragonskolan, Umeå, Sweden
by 03 Nov '15

03 Nov '15
My Rudeness and Freq post
by Tim Crawford 03 Nov '15

03 Nov '15
ORS4 / PrintSat launch
by Jim White 03 Nov '15

03 Nov '15
Re: [amsat-bb] Ao85 rudeness
by W3MAT . 03 Nov '15

03 Nov '15
Ao85 rudeness
by jeffory broughton 03 Nov '15

03 Nov '15
AO-85 Rudeness + Freq Suggestions
by Tim Crawford 02 Nov '15

02 Nov '15
Cushcraft A270-10 center mount?:
by John Geiger 02 Nov '15

02 Nov '15

02 Nov '15
Pass.htm now w/dopplers & new sats
by Pedro Converso 02 Nov '15

02 Nov '15
Senior moment
by Ed Cunningham 01 Nov '15

01 Nov '15
PV8DX in GJ03
by Paul Stoetzer 01 Nov '15

01 Nov '15
Re: [amsat-bb] Anyone using HalloKepler
by Michael R. Lengruesser 01 Nov '15

01 Nov '15
Anyone using HalloKepler
by Vincenzo Mone 01 Nov '15

01 Nov '15
Using a preamp on VHF
by jeffory broughton 01 Nov '15

01 Nov '15

01 Nov '15

01 Nov '15

01 Nov '15
AO85: interesting results
by Ed K9EK 31 Oct '15

31 Oct '15
AO-85 in Data Mode over EU
by Jerry Buxton 31 Oct '15

31 Oct '15
ARR preamp modification
by jeffory broughton 31 Oct '15

31 Oct '15
by jeffory broughton 31 Oct '15

31 Oct '15
by jeffory broughton 31 Oct '15

31 Oct '15
WD9EWK on the next 3 AO-85 passes tonight...
by Patrick STODDARD (WD9EWK/VA7EWK) 31 Oct '15

31 Oct '15
SatPC32 and M2
by Jim White 30 Oct '15

30 Oct '15
Audio Coverage of Wednesdays ARISS Contact
by John Spasojevich 30 Oct '15

30 Oct '15

30 Oct '15

30 Oct '15

30 Oct '15
No TLM on AO-85 during 20:15 UTC pass.
by Dave Remnant 30 Oct '15

30 Oct '15
AO-85 frequencies
by Tom Worthington 30 Oct '15

30 Oct '15

30 Oct '15
Re: [amsat-bb] InstantTrack on Win10?
by Vince Fiscus, KB7ADL 30 Oct '15

30 Oct '15
FW: InstantTrack on Win10?
by KERRY LA*DUKE 30 Oct '15

30 Oct '15
InstantTrack on Win10?
by Ed K9EK 30 Oct '15

30 Oct '15
XW-2E & XW-2F on 30-October ~1400 UTC
by Clayton Coleman 30 Oct '15

30 Oct '15

30 Oct '15
AO-85 Uplink Frequencies??
by Tim Crawford 30 Oct '15

30 Oct '15

30 Oct '15

29 Oct '15
Orbitron and Google Chrome
by W3MAT . 29 Oct '15

29 Oct '15
4U70UN confirmations?
by Grant Zehr 29 Oct '15

29 Oct '15
Super Strypi (SPARK) Launch
by Mineo Wakita 29 Oct '15

29 Oct '15
PSAT-1 AX25 Packets
by AL Lyday 28 Oct '15

28 Oct '15
Re: [amsat-bb] 200' RADAR Blimp CANCEL
by Robert Bruninga 28 Oct '15

28 Oct '15
200' RADAR Blimp broke loose fm MD!
by Robert Bruninga 28 Oct '15

28 Oct '15

28 Oct '15
Breaking news: JLENS blimp drifting free
by Martin Davidoff 28 Oct '15

28 Oct '15
(no subject)
by jeffory broughton 28 Oct '15

28 Oct '15
New Duplexer and AO-85
by W3MAT . 28 Oct '15

28 Oct '15
Web suggestion
by Dale Kubichek 28 Oct '15

28 Oct '15

28 Oct '15
AO-85 Telemetry Upload Tax
by David G0MRF 28 Oct '15

28 Oct '15
by KO6TZ Bob 27 Oct '15

27 Oct '15
by Mike Seguin 27 Oct '15

27 Oct '15
AO85, 20:01 UC
by Burns Fisher 26 Oct '15

26 Oct '15
AO85, 20:01 UC
by Loon - W3MAT 26 Oct '15

26 Oct '15