[email protected]

  • 34 participants
  • 43219 discussions
MIR-SAT 1 (MO-112)
by Jean Marc Momple 14 Mar '22

14 Mar '22
MIR-SAT 1 (MO-112) Digipeater news
by Jean Marc Momple 13 Mar '22

13 Mar '22
by Jean Marc Momple 13 Mar '22

13 Mar '22

13 Mar '22
by Jean Marc Momple 12 Mar '22

12 Mar '22
MIR-SAT 1 digipeater open
by Jean Marc Momple 12 Mar '22

12 Mar '22

10 Mar '22

08 Mar '22

08 Mar '22
MIR-SAT 1 news
by Jean Marc Momple 06 Mar '22

06 Mar '22
by Dave Marthouse 06 Mar '22

06 Mar '22

06 Mar '22

04 Mar '22
Strange decode
by Bob KD7YZ 04 Mar '22

04 Mar '22
Changes to AMSAT-NA TLE Distribution for March 3, 2022
by 04 Mar '22

04 Mar '22

04 Mar '22
ARISS News Release No. 22-13
by David Jordan 03 Mar '22

03 Mar '22
RS-232 to USB with true FTDI chip
by Jeff Yanko 03 Mar '22

03 Mar '22
RS-232 to USB with true FTDI chip
by Jeff Yanko 03 Mar '22

03 Mar '22
Thank You, Chris VA3ECO
by Clint Bradford 03 Mar '22

03 Mar '22

02 Mar '22
7 11
0 0

02 Mar '22

02 Mar '22
VUCC Satellite Standings by Country
by Jon Goering 02 Mar '22

02 Mar '22
VUCC Satellite Standings March 2022
by Jon Goering 02 Mar '22

02 Mar '22

28 Feb '22

27 Feb '22
ANS-058 AMSAT News Service Weekly Bulletins
by 27 Feb '22

27 Feb '22
Discord invite
by Bernd 24 Feb '22

24 Feb '22

23 Feb '22

22 Feb '22

22 Feb '22

22 Feb '22
Need a Guest via Zoom 03/02/2022
by Clint Bradford 21 Feb '22

21 Feb '22
Re: Odd issue with CAS-4A & B
by Oscar Alonso 20 Feb '22

20 Feb '22
ARISS News Release No. 22-10
by David Jordan 20 Feb '22

20 Feb '22
Need a Zoom Guest 3/2/2022
by Clint Bradford 20 Feb '22

20 Feb '22

20 Feb '22

20 Feb '22
ARISS News Release No. 22-08
by David Jordan 19 Feb '22

19 Feb '22

18 Feb '22
AX5043-based UHF/VHF data radio
by Zach Metzinger 18 Feb '22

18 Feb '22

17 Feb '22
ARISS News Release No. 22-09
by David Jordan 17 Feb '22

17 Feb '22
by Daryl Young K4RGK 17 Feb '22

17 Feb '22
AO-91 eclipse passes
by z man 16 Feb '22

16 Feb '22

16 Feb '22

16 Feb '22
ISS Cargo Mission
by Clint Bradford 15 Feb '22

15 Feb '22

15 Feb '22
IC 9700 L band
by Jim White 14 Feb '22

14 Feb '22

14 Feb '22
ARISS News Release No. 22-07
by David Jordan 13 Feb '22

13 Feb '22
EM05/EM06/EM16 log
by John Geiger 13 Feb '22

13 Feb '22

13 Feb '22
Operating Practices
by Wes Baden 12 Feb '22

12 Feb '22
French Lessons
by Clint Bradford 11 Feb '22

11 Feb '22
by Gary HENDRICKSON 11 Feb '22

11 Feb '22

11 Feb '22
EM05-EM06-EM16 TOMORROW 2/12
by John Geiger 11 Feb '22

11 Feb '22

11 Feb '22
FT4 woes
by Richard Lawn 10 Feb '22

10 Feb '22
BOB wb4apr
by nick 10 Feb '22

10 Feb '22

09 Feb '22
by 09 Feb '22

09 Feb '22
20 19
0 0
Orbit-360 digital pot software
by James Hickox 09 Feb '22

09 Feb '22

08 Feb '22
ARISS News Release No. 22-06
by David Jordan 07 Feb '22

07 Feb '22
Re: Satellite Presentations
by Clint Bradford 06 Feb '22

06 Feb '22

06 Feb '22
Satellite Presentations
by Clint Bradford 05 Feb '22

05 Feb '22

04 Feb '22

03 Feb '22
ARISS News Release No. 22-05
by David Jordan 02 Feb '22

02 Feb '22

01 Feb '22

01 Feb '22
VUCC Standings Feb 2022
by Jon Goering 01 Feb '22

01 Feb '22
VUCC Standings Feb 2022
by Jon Goering 01 Feb '22

01 Feb '22

01 Feb '22
HO-113 on LOTW?
by Bernie and Cheryl 31 Jan '22

31 Jan '22
M2 LEO vs Wimo X-Quad
by Glenn VE9GJ 29 Jan '22

29 Jan '22
ARDC Community Meeting
by Robert McGwier 29 Jan '22

29 Jan '22
ARISS News Release No. 22-04
by David Jordan 28 Jan '22

28 Jan '22

28 Jan '22

27 Jan '22
M2 Rc2800 & G predict
by 27 Jan '22

27 Jan '22

27 Jan '22

26 Jan '22
Speaker Need: SSB, EME
by Clint Bradford 26 Jan '22

26 Jan '22
HamTV on ISS
by Apostolos Kefalas 26 Jan '22

26 Jan '22

25 Jan '22
FT818/Icom 705 alternative
by John Geiger 25 Jan '22

25 Jan '22

24 Jan '22

24 Jan '22

23 Jan '22